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Consumer Data Right
Wed, 22 Nov 2023
What does an active data recipient mean?
Becoming an active data recipient is an important milestone for an organisation. Here's a short read as to why?
The Role of Active Data Recipients in Data Ecosystems
Fiskil is an Active Data Recipient with the Consumer Data Right and with more and more banks becoming open to the CDR space, it is important to understand what it means to be an active data recipient. This is a significant milestone for the team at Fiskil as it means that they have passed the CDR Conformance Test Suite (CTS) which is an important milestone in the CDR on-boarding process in order to receive an ‘active’ status on the Consumer Data Right Public Register. In other words, it means Fiskil has a technical solution in place that complies with the standards and requirements laid out by the ACCC in order to go active with live CDR data.
Being an Active Data Recipient (ADR) is a long and time consuming process. Instead of building something internally, the banking industry can now simply leverage Fiskil's active status and the platform to speed up the process to get themselves an active ADR status.
It is an exciting time down under for the banking sector as they fast-track their way into becoming the ADRs to eventually help Australians take control over their data.
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